
Showing posts from 2013

Tips Untuk Memaksa IDM Menjadi Full Version Tanpa Patch dan Tanpa Crack

Cara ini boleh dilakukan dengan Internet Download Manager (IDM) versi berapa pun tanpa terkecuali, Cara ini sudah dicuba dan memang berkesan. Kalau tak percaya cubalah sendiri. Caranya adalah seperti berikut: 1. Download IDM (kalau udah ada, di uninstall) versi berapapun (di anjurkan untuk yang terbaru ) 2. Nyahfungsikan(disable) Internet Connection. Ini perlu dilakukan, supaya IDMnya tidak mengganggu semasa . 3. Install IDM yang sudah di download tadi, setelah selesai IDM akan meminta Anda untuk Reboot/Restart. Ikut saja apa yang dikehendaki IDM. 4. Setelah selesai Restart , buka IDM dan pilih Registration. (Internet harus tetap dalam keadaan mati.) 5. Masukkan Nama Depan, Nama Belakang, Email Anda. masukan Serial Number berikut (Salah satu saja) W3J5U-8U66N-D0B9M-54SLM EC0Q6-QN7UH-5S3JB-YZMEK GZLJY-X50S3-0S20D-NFRF9 6. Sekarang IDM akan memberitahu “Number Serial Invalid” atau “Bla bla bla..”, biarkan saja 7. Keluar dari aplikasi IDM. 8. Buka file 'host' ...

What People Want To Find On Website

When people search online, there are four things they are looking for (some people look for all of these, others just one or two). First, they are looking for information. The Internet is all about content and making it accessible to interested people free of charge. Your Web site should not just be a "store." It should be a source of information about certain types of antiques and collectibles that people are interested in knowing more about. And not just any kind of information. I've said it before in this column and will do so again now: Everything that appears on your Web site should be cool, compelling content. People these days have short attention spans and expect to have a measure of fun, excitement or drama when they do stuff online. Your content must be interesting, captivating and entertaining — the sort of stuff people will e-mail their friends about, creating a positive buzz for your Web site. Second, they are looking for stuff they can't find in t...