You have deduct automatically from the bank account each month to pay to the insurance company. Then you want to cancel the policy. While banks were asked to send a letter to stop the automatic debit. So this is an example of the letter. First, you must send a letter to the insurance company first. Then send this letter to the bank you have opened your savings account before. You can also send a copy of the letter to the insurance company that you want to cancel the policy. Your name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Postcode City , State Manager Bank branch’s name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Postcode City , State Date: 24 April 2012 Dear Sir/Madam, CANCELLATION OF DIRECT DEBIT Please cancel the direct debit Instruction detailed below with effect from DDMMYY. Account number: 012123456789 I.C./passport number: 880808-08-8888 Originator Name: (name of organisation collecting the direct debit) Originator Number: (if known) Reference: ( Insert the Direct Debit narrative from y...
nice blog
ReplyDeleteFor like two days now, a random pop-up that says "anda sentuju" and it opens up a green page that's in either Indonesian or dutch(according to google translator) Is this a bad thing and if it is can I fix it?
ReplyDeleteStill boley guna ctrl c (copy) and ctrl v (paste). So whats the point of diabling right click? Ikot trend ke?
ReplyDeleteEven use of JavaScript does not dis-able right-clicking except for the un-initiated. Anyone who knows how to turn off their browser's javaScript can overcome any web page using so-called "no right-click" protection.
ReplyDeleteit is really an interesting for the users to make them happy.
ReplyDeleteLike this, its a nice suggestion !
ReplyDeleteUntuk disable copy u all boleh try ini --->