Example of Auto Debit Cancellation Letter
You have deduct automatically from the bank account each month to pay to the insurance company. Then you want to cancel the policy. While banks were asked to send a letter to stop the automatic debit. So this is an example of the letter. First, you must send a letter to the insurance company first. Then send this letter to the bank you have opened your savings account before. You can also send a copy of the letter to the insurance company that you want to cancel the policy. Your name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Postcode City , State Manager Bank branch’s name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Postcode City , State Date: 24 April 2012 Dear Sir/Madam, CANCELLATION OF DIRECT DEBIT Please cancel the direct debit Instruction detailed below with effect from DDMMYY. Account number: 012123456789 I.C./passport number: 880808-08-8888 Originator Name: (name of organisation collecting the direct debit) Originator Number: (if known) Reference: ( Insert the Direct Debit narrative from y...
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